March 13, 2025   2:56pm

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Smile. Scroll down to “Male Chromosomal Disorder”
Grimace. See what they’re really doing in “College Crowd”
Think about friends. See Giving and Getting Advice (home page)
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See “our experts’ secrets
Avoid bugging your kids.
Instead ask Jeff in “Computer Skills”
Add your finds. Tell us your “Travel” discovery or “Time Saver,” we’ll share it
Check out one of our finds: If you’ve got travel plans for a great city, read about “City Walks” (home page)
Lend a little back. Find a unique way to “lend” at Kiva in “Saving, Spending & Giving”
Enjoy yourself.

Think of this as our “beta” site. That means we’ll be adding and changing things over the next few of weeks as we take your advice to heart. Be sure to check back in and continue to give us your thoughts frequently.

Harriett Levin Balkind, Founder & Director

Our web address — snoetyâ„¢ –is pronounced sn – oy – T. That’s short for Secrets no one ever told youâ„¢. Yes, we know snoetyâ„¢ reminds you of snotty or snooty — but we’re thinking positive> we’ve coined a new word to describe people with valuable experience to share!

Photo of Harriett: Lucien Bonnafoux, San Diego, 760-805-8182,

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