February 13, 2025   8:27am

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You’re busy … hassled … crazed … interested
Who has time to keep-up when there’s so much going on in your life?

Snoety does.

That’s why we’re here  — finding those insights that are truly relevant for (ahem) savvy, successful, intelligent, involved, not-a-minute-to-lose women — those curious about new ideas, the world around them, what’s next, and some of the less serious more frivolous items that make our lives vibrant.

Send us a comment about your interests in the “comment” boxes provided throughout the site.  Don’t have time?  No problem.  We count it a success if you find something you might otherwise have missed.


What I did before . . .
Branding, positioning, messaging, perceptions, women — that’s been my focus for 30+ years – working with companies from Avon to HBO to Saks to Sony to Canyon Ranch to Pitney Bowes. Partnering with my (then) husband at Frankfurt Balkind, we had offices in NY, San Francisco, LA, and even DC for a minute. Our agency won every industry award and was consistently on the cutting edge – cable, telecoms, networking, digital documents, the internet, the rise and rise and fall of the dot.coms and their re-emergence as 3.0.  We sold some 7 years ago and have since separated but remain friends and business partners, working together with entertainment and digital marketing agency Bemis Balkind in Los Angeles and brand strategy and digital communications group Strat B in New York.

Unquestionably, the best thing I ever did was to have our son Devin, now 26 and an entrepreneur with his own venture, sarap.is as well as being seriously involved with Occup(ies) Wall Street and Sandy and the technology driving those movements. With his dad from Johannesburg, South Africa, we were fortunate to expand our understanding of how the world works by traveling to amazing places with wondrous cultural reference points.

Now I’m busy living what I call Phase Three:
1) Youth, education and figuring it out;
2) Having a wonderful family and career;
3) On-my-own again with all the excitement and adventure that entails.

Come, join me.

Harriett Levin Balkind
Founder & Director
