February 16, 2025   9:23am

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So … who does make the ideal mate, anyhow?

Quite frequently I think Maureen Dowd is over-the-top, but her recent New York Times column was right on target. Entitled “An Ideal Husband,”* it also applied to the “Ideal Wife,” and I’m passing it on for you to read and pass on as well.

The qualities she quotes comes from a 79 year old Catholic priest. And don’t hold that against him because he has some pretty sage common-sense advice distilled from decades of marriage counseling. Some of this your mom may have already told you (mine did). Here are some highlights:

“You can be deeply in love with someone to whom you cannot be successfully married.”

“Never marry a man [woman] who has no friends … he will be incapable of the intimacy that marriage demands.”

“Does he [she] use money responsibly? … most marriages that founder do so because of money.”

“Is he [she] overly attached to his mother …?”

“Does he [she] have a sense of humor? That covers a multitude of sins.”

“Don’t marry a problem character thinking you will change him [her]?”

“Take a good, unsentimental look at his family — you’ll learn a lot about him [her] and his [her] attitude towards women [men].

“Does he possess those character traits that add up to a good human being — the willingness to forgive, praise, be courteous?”

The priest goes on to say that “After I regale a group with this talk, the despairing cry goes up: ‘But you’ve eliminated everyone!’ Life is unfair.”

SNOETY ASKS: Are there any personality qualities you’d want to add to this list?


The New York Times, Sunday Opinion, “An Ideal Husband” by Maureen Dowd, Sunday, July 6, 2008, pg 10 of “Week in Review”

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