March 09, 2025   5:11pm

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Maybe you forgot to send that card … want to remind your guy … are looking to make a friend feel loved?  Snoety’s providing you with a graphic to make your V-Day email messages sing (or should we say smooch-y) …

You can use this image in two ways: 1) As an attachment to your email, or 2) To copy and paste into your email. Here’s how this works:

1) Image as attachment:
Click here and drag the image on your screen to your desktop. Then, when you write your email, just attach the image titled “VDay.jpg” to the message.

2) Image to paste directly into your email:
If you frequently get emails from snoety or are a subscriber, then check your inbox for our “V-Day” email. You’ll be able to copy and paste the images from there directly into your emails. (It’s a long tech story as to why this only works email-to-email; some of you had a problem with our holiday graphics, so, hopefully, you won’t with this one).

If you don’t get emails regularly from snoety and want to be able to use this graphic in an email, contact, and we’ll send it on to you.

So, surprise your Valentine (or other important people in your life) with a thoughtful e-mail, and let them know just how much they mean to you.

You’ll be surprised at what sending a little love can do …

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