February 16, 2025   9:26am

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Already seen Revolutionary Road, Slumdog and Benjamin Button? Looking for new options? If you’re from San Francisco or are on your way there, don’t miss this film festival with flicks from across the pond …

Check out The Mostly British Film Series showing from February 26 to March 5, at the Vogue Theatre.

Snoety’s friend Ruthe Stein is helping to organize the festival where you’ll see recent British, Australian and Irish films like Genova with Colin Firth and Hunger (winner of 20 international awards). Then, check out the classics like the 1969 comedy Age of Consent (being shown on a pristine archival print) with James Mason and Helen Mirren. A full list of all the movies showing can be found here on the Vogue Theatre’s site.

Here are some highlights:
Thu., 2/26, 8:00 pm — Genova (UK, Colin Firth, Catherine Keener) US PREMIERE!
Thu., 2/27, 7:30 pm — Three Blind Mice (AU) SPECIAL SNEAK PREVIEW!
Sat., 2/28, 7:00 pm — The Black Balloon (AU, Toni Collette)
Wed., 3/4, 7:00 pm — Bitter and Twisted (AU) DIRECTOR PRESENT!
Thu., 3/5, 8:00 pm — Hunger (UK) Golden Camera Winner at Cannes, WEST COAST PREMIERE
Thu., 5/14, 7:30 pm — Easy Virtue (UK, Colin Firth, Kristen Scott Thomas, Jessica Biel) SNEAK PEAK!

The film series is presented by The San Francisco Neighborhood Theater Foundation in partnership with the California Film Institute.

Vogue Theatre
3290 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 346.2288
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