February 18, 2025   2:18am

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Wondering where to get a job now?  Have you thought about gardening …

What to do when the economy’s got you down? Well, according to U.S. News and World Report, you garden during the day, stay in at night, watch movies, eat chocolate, and have sex. Sounds like a pretty good fall back position to us.

In the article “10 Winners in the Recession,” U.S. News and World Report outlines the industries that, despite the gloomy economic outlook, have managed to not only stay afloat, but show gains. When you think about it, you probably won’t be surprised to see what’s included — from cheap food shortcuts like McDonalds, at-home coffee brews and home gardening, to cheap entertainment options like movies, romance novels, and, yes, condoms. And, of course, career development websites, resumé editing and public universities.

“Whether they help people pivot into new careers, cut costs at home or simply escape from all the bad news, [these industries are] poised not only to weather the economic storm but benefit from it. ‘There always is a silver lining for people who choose to look past the doom and gloom and find one,’ says Robyn Feldberg, president of the National Resumé Writers’ Association, which represents an industry that’s bucking the overall trend. ‘In adversity, there is always potential for innovation.’ ”

We think being cheap doesn’t hurt either.


Images from U.S. News & World Report: Getty Images

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