March 12, 2025   11:50am

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A friend who happens to be fashionable, feminine and a globe-trotting yoga guru told me that donna.m is inevitably her choice, and she emailed me the last time Donna had a trunk show in NYC.  Now donna.m is my favorite, too.

The clothes are pure cotton, comfy, washable, packable, versatile.  And you look great, whether exercising (I actually don’t do yoga) or just wearing.  One example, the shawl wrap duster. Recently featured on The Today Show this piece can be styled any way you want, ranging from the bra cami tunic, flared pant, twist top tunic, duster, sash and can be wrapped in up to 15 more ways. A donna.m outfit can be transformed into a summer dress or a relaxed outfit for flying (not to mention, of course, doing yoga), making the $30-$120 price well worth it.

Lucky for us:  donna.m is having trunk shows in NYC this week at Exhale Spa on Thursday and PURE yoga Friday and Saturday.  If you miss the shows, you can also go to her website:

You can thank us later …

donna.m collection
Exhale Spa
Thursday, March 26th, 9am-3pm
980 Madison at 76th Street

PURE yoga
Friday and Saturday, March 27 & 28, 8:30am-2pm
203 E.86th Street, between 3rd & 2nd

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