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Food, Fitness & Health News to Know

Low Carb Diet — Bad for the heart!

According to a report in the BBC*, “Low-carb diets ‘damage arteries.”  It seems a new study has just been released that says: “Low-carb slimming diets may clog arteries and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.”  As many of you know, carbohydrate-restricting diets have become increasing popular, but the Beth Israel Insititute which is part of Harvard Medical School found such habits caused artery damage in tests on mice.  They had decided to investigate after hearing of reports of people on the diets suffering heart attacks.

The Studies Approach
Mice were fed three different diets – “a standard mouse type, a western diet which was high in fat, and a low-carb, high-protein version, the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported.

The low-carb diet did not affect cholesterol levels, but there was a significant difference on the impact on atherosclerosis – the build-up of fatty plaque deposits in the arteries that can lead to heart attacks or strokes.

After 12 weeks, the mice eating the low-carb diet had gained less weight, but developed 15% more atherosclerosis than those on the standard mice food. For the western diet group there was 9% more atherosclerosis.

The team could not be certain why the effect was seen, but thought low-carb diets may affect the way bone marrow cells effectively clean arteries of fatty deposits.

Lead researcher Anthony Rosenzweig said the findings were so concerning to him that he decided to come off the low-carb diet he was following.”

Joanne Murphy, from the Stroke Association, said: “We know that foods such as red meat and dairy products, which are high in protein, also contain high levels of saturated fat. These fats then cause the build up in the arteries.”  But she added the research was still at an early stage and she wanted to see more work done on the subject.

“Professor Alan Maryon-Davis, president, UK Faculty of Public Health, said: “This research helps to back up the basic message that our diet should contain more starchy carbohydrate, not less.”

“For long-term health at least one-third of what we eat should be bread, rice, potatoes, pasta or other starchy food.”


Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2009/08/24 23:03:53 GMT


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Food, Fitness & Health Secret's Service

There IS a terrific $20 Chef’s Knife!

Performs like a higher-priced champion


We were delighted to see bon appétit hype this Chef’s knife we’re thrilled about. (It’s so hard to find a reasonably priced one you like!) And they credited Surfas, a place we never miss when in the LA area. (Surfas is the hot kitchen supply and fabulous food shop/cafe in Culver City.) But … another time we’ll dwell on Surfas.

Getting back to the knife … according to bon app©tit this ten-inch chef’s knife from Mundial is  “the most blade for your buck.”  It’s got a blade of high-carbon stainless steel, an easy-to-manage polypropylene handle, great balance, and it’s even treated with antimicrobial protection.

Diana Surfas told me they love this knife, too. (They wouldn’t stock it if they didn’t.) It’s from the Mundial’s 5600 Series and you can buy it from Surfas by clicking here (Do note that there’s a 7-10 day waiting period due to demand.)

To Visit Surfas:
Corner of W. Washington and National Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232
For directions click here.

Monday-Saturday: 9AM to 6:30 PM


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Fashion & Beauty Secret's Service

Sophisticated City Clothes that Travel, too …

babette_ss.jpgSnoety’s travel expert Susan Burdick was in town the other day wearing the most terrific jacket, which was, oddly enough, terrific for travel. You could scrunch it, fold it, twist it, sit on it, drop it, and it still looked great.  When I asked about keeping it clean, she said “just hand wash and hang to dry.”  Wow! How could I get some of that?

Wouldn’t you know, just two blocks away was one of the designer’s flagship stores Babette, so we just took a short stroll for what we characterized to Susan’s husband Bruce as a “short shop.”  (Strangely enough when wandering by that store the other day, the window display had caught my eye, and I’d made a quick mental note to try it.)

The store and the service were terrific (neither was obtrusive).  There were separates you could pair with Babette’s stuff or your own … dresses that could carry you just about anywhere day or night … wonderful tee’s … pants that could walk off a plane or out of a car looking fresh and ready to go …

And, guess what!  There really is a Babette who is obsessing over her clothing line.  When you see her collections (Fall2 is great) — you won’t be surprised that her background is graphic design and architecture. She’s transformed that sensibility into a truly modernist fashion approach to work and life.  And the price tag doesn’t break-the-bank!

Babette flagship stores can be found in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, and Scottsdale and her fashion line is in boutiques throughout the country.

Works for us!

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