March 09, 2025   10:14am

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Snoetytweets is tweeting useful info — links to timely articles, events and happenings — NOT where we lunch (unless unknown & spectacular)! For those who’ve never twittered before, here’s how you can follow us at snoetytweets …

To visit Snoety on Twitter go to the following URL:

You don’t have to be a member of Twitter to read our tweets, but you do have to be a member to interact with us in the ways outlined below. Learn how to set up your own twitter account here.

If you’re already a member of Twitter log in and visit our page. Once on our page, you can interact with us in two ways:

1) To follow snoety on Twitter, click the follow button located right above all our recent tweets:

Once you’ve successfully followed us at snoetytweets you should see the Follow button appear as it does below:

2) To tell us about an article or event you think snoety users would find interesting or that you’d like us to write about, post it on your Twitter page and add the line @snoetytweets in front of your comment. Then copy and paste the link. If the link is too long, you can shorten it by going to

See you in the twittersphere!


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