March 12, 2025   4:41am

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Many thanks to those of you who responded to the idea of a snoety book club.

Given the yes and no votes received (below and in emails), my sense is that you want to be able to exchange titles of books enjoyed, but there aren’t enough of you who really want to get a “formal” club going. So, in lieu of a “club,” we’ll provide a place on snoety for you to send in book titles you’re enthusiastic about with comments as to why — and a place for the willing to converse online.

Appreciate your input and will let you know when it’s up and running …


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A number of friends suggested that snoety start a virtual book club — a place where we could share titles of books we’ve loved and why. I wasn’t too enthused. Then, I was invited to join a real physical book club and last week attended my first meeting. Was terrific! Now I’m thoroughly on board.

What changed my mind? I had forgotten: how interesting it is to talk about a good book with others … how fascinating to have elements brought up that I totally missed … how energizing to debate this point or that… what a jolt to be reminded how my own experiences have such an impact on my perceptions … And, since the book club I attended was totally female, it was just plain fun to meet and talk about “stuff” the way only women can.

A book club for Snoety? I’m putting the question to you. Are you interested? Will you make recommendations? Will you be part of an online discussion?

Use the comment box below to let me know. Just type in what you’re thinking and any general suggestions you might have for the club … or specific recommendations for books. (And — don’t forget — click on the orange-y submit button at the bottom of the comment box when you’ve finished typing so I get your message.)

Anxious to hear what you think,


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