March 10, 2025   2:03pm

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Now that the sun’s shining and the temperature’s rising, here are drinks — with and without alcohol — that will get you through the long, lazy, hazy days of summer …

With Alcohol
We couldn’t resist The New York Times summer drinks issue that with color and pizzazz takes us through “A Guide to Bartending When the Frost Is on the Glass”.  From agave nectar to wine, the writing, ideas and drink recipes are, as they say, “Refreshing by Definition” by Pete Wells.

Without Alcohol
When you don’t want to drink but still want to socialize for work and for play, there’s always that wonder, cranberry juice, which can be just right in a wine or cocktail glass.  But here are even more inspiring non-alcoholic drinks that rival (and maybe are even better) than their alcoholic cousins.  Try the Pomegranate, Lime and Tonic or who wouldn’t want a cherry’s tale … my fav — thePeach and Passion Fruit Smash (with ginger)

Slurp …

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