February 16, 2025   7:44am

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Our super hair stylist Mario is back with more from-your-kitchen solutions — whether controlling that frizz … making your scalp less oily … or a myriad of other ways to keep your hair in shape …

If you caught my last “My Hair Needs Help” post, then, you know I’ve been focusing on ways you can use what’s at home or easy-to-find-when-you-travel ingredients for hair care … Last post it was vinegars and oils; this time it’s more herbs, fruit and salt …

Moisturizing your hair: Use Avocados

  • Great for adding moisture to dry hair
  • Nourishing: contains vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, lecithin and potassium
  • High in sterolins and naturally occurring acids: palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic

Directions:  Mash avocado and apply as hair mask … or purchase natural avocado oil at health store and apply.  Avocado can be mixed with the following ingredients to make mask: natural oils (mentioned above), aloe, honey, yogurt, egg, lemon or sea salt to make mask.  Apply to hair, cover with cap and heat for 30 min.

Making your waves less frizzy: Use Sea Salt

  • Great for styling, creating natural frizz-free waves; sea salt creates natural hold.

Directions:  Mix two teaspoons of salt to two cups of water, add to spray bottle and shake well .Spray on wet hair and scrunch / finger style hair.


Balancing your scalp:  Use …

Aloe Vera:  Commonly used in haircare products

Directions: Apply directly to scalp for balancing effects.  Mix two parts pure stabilized aloe vera gel with one part shampoo for conditioning shampoo. Rinse and style.


Directions:  Dilute and apply to scalp for dry flaky dandruff. Also, mixes well with Tea Tree Oil.

Lavendar:  Along with balancing an oil scalp, use it for its calming and antiseptic properties.

Directions: Dilute and apply to scalp: mixes well with rosemary and tea tree oils.


Natural hair tonic: Use Lemongrass

Directions:  Use as a tonic by boiling in water and rinsing through hair.


Strengthening your hair: Use Eucalyptus

Contains amino acids which strengthen the elasticity of hair; also balances your scalp.

Directions Massaged into scalp, eucalyptus can improve blood flow to hair follicles.


Your hair’s natural; why shouldn’t your treatments be natural, too!


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