February 17, 2025   8:24pm

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Stumped by what to give this season?  How about something truly personal …

For “the perfect personal holiday gift,” watch Fox News “Live Desk” holiday gift segment 1:30 to 3:00 pm on Black Friday the 28th featuring Ginger Puglia, founder of “GINGER finds: THE TREND & TALENT LAB.”

Today we care less about what’s next and more about what’s relevant,” explains Ginger. “It’s not about saving or spending money”12 it’s about giving the absolutely perfect, personally relevant gift and the time and effort you took to choose it.”

As one example, Ginger introduces you to Seventh Generation Stories whose founder, Alli Joseph, offers personal historian services (also known as life story-telling or oral history).  She works with you to record and preserve precious pieces of your family history for future generations by creating wonderful books, DVDs and artwork.

How does Ginger know who and what she knows?  Along with traveling the globe in search of the relevant and authentic, Ginger’s a retail trend consultant and  lectures at the Fashion Institute of Technology where she also serves on their Advisory Board.  Another plus for Ginger:  She and her team donate 1% of their profits to Fashion Education.

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