A snoety friend Susan Fine sent in a good girl/romantic girl political perspective that’s been on my mind (and maybe on yours?) …
Good News/Bad News on Women and Coffee
- Post author By Harriett
- Post date January 30, 2008
Good news/bad news … more on women and coffee …
THE GOOD NEWS from the January ’08 edition of Allure magazine:
• “In a new study in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, testers who drank two to three cups of caffeinated coffee every day were 13% less likely to have had non-melanoma skin cancer than nondrinkers, and those who consumed six or more cups daily were a whopping 30% less likely …”
• “Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston found that the change of developing type 2 diabetes – a condition that raises the risk of heart problems – was about 30% lower in women who drank four or more cups of caffeinated coffee per day compared with women who consumed fewer.”
THE BAD NEWS from the January ’08 edition of Allure magazine:
• “If you smoke, a caffeine habit could increase your chances of getting lung cancer, say scientists at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo. Their study found that current and former smokers who drank two to three eight-ounce cups of caffeinated coffee a day has a 34% jump in the risk of lung cancer. (Decaffeinated coffee actually decreased the risk.)”
• “Volunteers in a Duke University study who consumed the equivalent of four eight-ounce cups of coffee produced 32% more of the stress hormone epinephrine and had higher blood pressure – symptoms that persisted nine or more hours later … eventually lead to heart disease.
• “A study of 31,527 Swedish women between the ages of 40 and 76 found that high caffeine and low calcium intake might make them more susceptible to osteoporosis and resulting fractures. …”
Allure, January 2008, “Drink Up”, page 171
The Youth Vote
- Post author By Harriett
- Post date January 30, 2008
- 1 Comment on The Youth Vote
I know, I know … we’ve all heard enough about Hillary. But I just can’t resist getting my own 2¢ in with a personal theory on the youth vote that I’ve yet to read about anywhere …
Your Kitchen: Out with the Bad and In with the Good
- Post author By Stefanie
- Post date January 30, 2008
Want to feel really good. Sweep your kitchen clean for 2008 by getting rid of the bad stuff and bringing in the good. Here are some tips to get you going …
Working at a computer? Avoid back pain!
- Post author By Bruce
- Post date January 30, 2008

Since it’s my job to keep people healthy, what better time than the beginning of the new year. People don’t realize the way they work at their computer is a big contributor to back problems, so here are a few simple ways to keep your back pain free while (and after) you work …
Our “Travel” expert Susan provides lots of ideas for that fast approaching Valentine’s Day you haven’t planned for yet …
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